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    Site research teams must consist of at least one site primary primary investigator (site PI), one date collector, and one data validator. The site PI may serve as either the data collector or validator in addition to their role as PI.

    Fill out the interest form below with your team and institution's details. You will then be contacted by the central study team with next steps.

    Each site will be responsible for securing local ethical and/or institutional approval.

    Each site PI will complete a data transfer agreement with the central site to ensure safe transfer of data between sites. All approval must be verified before starting data collection or enrollment.

    The site PI must complete an initial survey that collects data on local resources and capabilities, including access to emergency services, imaging, thrombolytics, specialists in acute neurological diseases, specialists in neurointervention, intensive care units, stroke units, and rehab.

    With the assistance of the central site team, each site will identify a 30-day enrollment period. 

    The local team will collect data for all patients who present with acute ischemic stroke from 0001 h on day 1 of their enrollment period to 2359 h on day 30. Each enrolled patient will be followed until death, discharge, or 30 days from stroke onset, whichever comes first. Patient case information will be submitted through REDCap. Collected data will include the following: demographics and presentation, initial imaging, initial treatment, continued treatment, and discharge outcomes.