< content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> Bench To Bedside: Vizport Device is judged Best in Engineering | Neurosurgery Department | U of U School of Medicine
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Bench To Bedside: Vizport Device is judged Best in Engineering

University of Utah Health's Center for Medical Innovation Bench To Bedside Competition 2020 has announced that the Vizport device took Best in Engineering. 2020 resident graduate Michael Karsy, resident Brandon Sherrod, and medical students---Brandon Pope at the U and Brian Farnsworth at Ohio State---developed the device under the mentorship of Dr. Richard Schmidt from Neurosurgery and engineer Govind Subramanian. The Vizport device is designed to assist with visualization during shunt placement for hydrocephalus surgery. /watch?v=oP4pOb1LhBA